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Build Stronger Client Relationships Using Pinterest and Instagram

Images can bring businesses and professionals closer to their social media fans, followers, clients, and prospects. Photographs, especially photos, have always had an arresting quality: now they’re more accessible than ever to create and highly sharable. Images, infographics, and video serve as excellent shorthand to say a lot quicker and as perfect shortcuts to bringing people closer faster. 

Instagram (for real-time sharing) and Pinterest (for collection/curation) are natural places to tell your story. These "channels" can help to humanize your brand and build strong client relationships. Here's some inspiration for your next Pinboard or your upcoming Instagram shares:

  • Share yourself, including casual, real-life, and behind-the-scenes. If everything’s too “well-produced,” people will be looking at your portfolio, which they’ll also see on your website. Instead, show different content and aspects of your company in each spot.
  • Pin or share shots of your latest interior design or construction project in progress with swatches, power tools, silliness, and action shots. Before and after pics can be powerful.
  • Pin or share a travelogue or travel shots—at a job site, on the way, or even on vacation.
  • Share your creative inspiration(s) or shots of your specialized tools or inventions that make the job easier.
  • Show yourself or staff “at the moment” doing their jobs or clowning.
  • Share images that reveal what you’d talk about if you ran into a client in the grocery store line or queueing for the snack bar at a sports game.
  • Are you touring a new work or project location? Share highlights.
  • Run a caption contest or a guess-where-we-are-today quiz.
  • Use images from the past, like high school pics of your crew or an iconic style that inspired/inspires you.
  • Share some pics of your team at a formal event, especially if they’re not commonly seen in dress attire.
  • Share images from a charity event or run/walk.
  • You can also share a video (15 seconds on Instagram), but don’t go scripted. To build strong client relationships, keep a spontaneous, unpolished feel, venturing outside your orchestrated brand image. 

social media marketing

For more information, contact Colosi Marketing.

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