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How to Maximize Email Marketing So It’s as Mobile-Friendly as Possible

One of the more notable evolutions in electronic communication for businesses and consumers is the increasing reliance on smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices. As you plan your email-based marketing and promotion strategies, you must consider how messages will be received and read on mobile devices. Here are some ways to maintain mobile-friendly email marketing to get customers' attention and ensure your messages are read.

email marketing

  • Boost your name recognition and trust: Even on mobile devices, customers are unlikely to open emails from someone they don't know. Ensure your "from" line contains a name that recipients will recognize and feel comfortable with. Formatting and content development techniques will only matter if your email marketing messages get opened.
  • Present a compelling subject line: A subject line is as important as a headline on a news article or the title of a story. It grabs attention and makes the reader want to proceed with the content. Consider your message's topic carefully and produce concise subject lines that amuse, intrigue, or attract the recipient's interest.
  • Make your call to action obvious: Your call to action exists to prompt the reader to take the next step in the buying process, such as contacting you for more information. Include calls to action that are easy to see and use and convey their instruction message.
  • Make the message easy to navigate: Recognize that customers will read your email message on a relatively small screen and plan the layout accordingly. Minimize the need for readers to increase or decrease type size. Make active buttons or links easy to see and big enough to be clicked easily.
  • Test and retest: Test the functionality of your email, including the ease of clicking links, the layout of essential features such as the unsubscribe button, and the effectiveness of the content and subject lines.

Contact Colosi Marketing today for more information on mobile-friendly email marketing and for expert solutions to your email marketing and promotion concerns.

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