Valentine's Day is almost upon us. While this day may represent a time to celebrate romantic love, it is also a perfect time to recognize your fellow marketing professionals. Think about how much value they bring to you and your firm. Sometimes it is hard to express our feelings in words. While a marketer's value seems almost limitless, this post provides just 10 of the many reasons you should show your marketers love.

[1.] Marketers give you and your firm props. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! A marketing professional's purpose is to promote you and your firm imaginatively. They are tirelessly committed and resourceful in effectively communicating your firm's unique qualities. With a marketing megaphone at their fingertips, they truly are your firm's cheerleaders.
Also read, Boost Your Firm's Brand With Content Consistency.
[2.] Marketers look out for your brand and reputation. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! They are concerned with planting your brand into the hearts and minds of your clients. Your brand is the inspiration for their strategic efforts. At the start of each day, with a steaming cup of coffee, they think about how your brand needs to communicate, connect, motivate, and cultivate loyalty.
Also read, 7 Tenets of Brand Marketing for Professional Services Firms.
[3.] Marketers always consider ways to give their firm a strategic advantage. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! They have a laser-like focus on your market segments.
They weave their knowledge, business theories, experience, and creativity into developing your firm's tailor-made marketing strategy.
All their activities are designed to resonate with your desired audiences by providing relevant solutions.
Also read, When it's Cold Outside, SWOT Analysis Will Keep Business Warm.
[4.] Marketers aim to learn more about their desired clients. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! They crave to learn about your target audiences. They have an insatiable curiosity and dig deep below the surface to understand your prospect's pain points and frustrations. They engage with your prospects and clients daily with this objective in mind. They want to know what makes them tick.
Also read, How Marketing Segmentation Benefits Professional Services Firms.
[5.] Marketers are great storytellers. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! Once a marketer understands your client's reality, they can make a connection between their needs and your firm's service offering.
They develop a narrative that capture's your audience's attention.
Once they have your audience's attention, they look to build trust by illustrating how your solution will answer their problem.
Also read, Deliver the Magic of Digital Storytelling to Your Audiences.
[6.] Marketers look to attract new clients for your firm. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! Without marketers, prospective clients outside your network would not know your firm exists. They deftly incorporate their prospect profiles into a well-honed keyword research effort. This allows the marketer to incorporate high-frequency keyword terms into your content marketing efforts so that audiences searching [via the Internet] for your services find you.
Also, read 7 Pointers for Embracing Engagement Marketing to Attract Clients.
[8.] Marketers are givers. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! To build trust with prospective clients, a marketer will supply content demonstrating that your firm possesses the expertise and tools to satisfy their needs. Great technical professionals are open to giving away content because they have the skills and expertise to make it work.
Also, read, Pump up the Volume with Landing Pages for Marketing Professional Services.
[9.] Marketers aim to delight your existing clients. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! They want to keep your clients happy by creating opportunities for continued positive interaction. They delight your clients by providing relevant solutions, offering insightful recommendations, and providing a fun and warm exchange.
Also read, Marketing Professional Services is Not a One-Night Stand.
[10.] Marketers will go the distance and set benchmarks. #ILUVMARKETERS Tweet This! These individuals tend to be self-deprecating, always looking at metrics and data that will allow them to make the necessary adjustments to improve marketing activities. Ultimately, they will continue to build great relationships.
Also read, Setting Marketing Objectives and Goals Keeps You Focused on Success.
Let's face it; there are many reasons to show marketers love. Hopefully, this list conjured up a few more reasons in your mind. Now it's time to put a thoughtful message in a card expressing how much you value their unique contribution to your firm. Maybe use some of the above points in your message. A gift is also nice. Whatever you decide, it is hard to ignore that they truly make a difference.
If you want to add some reasons, please share the love in the comments below! Also, could you vocalize these reasons to the social world using #ILUVMARKETERS?